Wav Pack 18 Contents Click browser "Back" button to return to menu Up your shaft Uzi Varmint Very warped sense of humor Vulcan Wait where are you going Wakeup Warning Was I asleep when you turned into a big wussie Watch your language Watch Wave junky Way to go stupid We do have a system and it works We do not want your help We got some rules around here Welcome aboard Welcome back Welcome to the realm of the truly bizarre Welcome to wave addiction Welcome Well isn't that special We'll leave the light on We're all doomed We're from the country What a badboy you are What a crock What a dork What a dumb thing to do What a dump What a maroon What a strange person What an idiot What are we having dear What ever is going on is way over our head What kind of filth are you reading What kind of training son What of all the sweet words What part of this is hard to grasp What will they think of next What would you do with a brain What's happening hot stuff What's that horrible smell What's the hassle